Sunday, March 25, 2007

Some new and some old

Cute 2.0
Originally uploaded by Nikographer [Jon].
The Tai Shan photo is from January 2007. He was up close to the big glass window, and was eating his bamboo.

This Black-Crowned Night Heron is from last summer. I'm looking forward to them returning anyday now at the National Zoo in Washington D.C.
Black-Crowned Night Heron

Here are some newer photos.

Caracal Lynx
Caracal Lynx @ US National Zoo

Cheetah @ National Zoo

Samantha - Bald Eagle
Samantha @ US National Zoo

Luke the Lion:
Luke: "where you going? Let's play!"

Tiger Cub!
Tiger Cub!

Luke Moving:

Red-legged Seriema:
Screamer - Red-legged Seriema


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