I wrote my first impressions here for the D300:
D300 highlights for me so far are: smoother shutter action, higher fps, reduced chromatic aberation, and increased focus points, and better higher iso.
In the first couple weeks I made it to the Zoo for a couple hours on day one, then to Conowingo Dam for a day a few days later, and then Maine for a week. In Maine I shot the Portland Head Light House, and a bunch of different things in my Brother's yard (birds and squirrels).
Here are my first posted D300 shots:

posted - 12/29/2007.
Hey Jon,
Happy new year etc. Love the photos with the D300, I'm saving madly for a better lens at the moment a new body will have to wait.
Anyway the link to your photos on flickr is badly formed: missing quotes and the http : / / at the start.
Cheers, AndrewN
Beautiful pics, I especially like the way you have the beak coming out of the picture/background. I've tried things like this in photoshop, and they never look good... is there any trick?
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