While the Wildlife Drive is a great area to see a good variety of birds and wildlife, I enjoy venturing out in to the neighboring area, specifically along Maple Dam Road.
During this visit I spotted Eagles, Osprey, Herons, Egrets and a few others along the Wildlife Drive.
While on Maple Dam Road I spotted numerous Bald Eagles, a few Snowy Egrets, and the highlight of the trip a pair of Great Horned Owls! The only other wild owl I've EVER seen was another Great Horned Owl along this same road a few months ago.
Here are some of the 800+ photos I took and a short video clip, hosted on youtube.com.

This is the second bird in the same tree.

and then it was gone... but I saw it again later in another tree with its mate in another tree down the road ;)

I'd say it was a great day to observe wildlife, and in addition I got some sweet photos. The owls were like icing on the cake.